Welcome to our
HPC Research Group

We are part of the Institute of Information Systems Engineering at TU Wien.

We are happy to welcome researchers in our team, feel free to check out our open positions.

Recent News

Critical Infrastructure Award 2024

Congratulations to Sabtain Ahmad on winning the Critical Infrastructure Award 2024! His research targets real-time decision-making in critical infrastructures systems, such as transportation, water management, and energy networks, using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Three Netidee Scholarships for our team members

Our team members Julia Oberauner, Daniel May, and Felix Zilk have been awarded with the Netidee scholarship for their masters and PhD theses. Congratulations!

Multiple fully funded PhD positions

We are looking for persons with a Dipl.-Ing. / MSc. in computer science, mathematics, software & information engineering, electrical engineering, or a similar field with a background in one (or more) following areas: systems science, distributed systems, virtualized HPC systems, data science, or environmental sensing. Please find more information here.

Fall 2024 Editor's Choice Paper at FGCS

The paper "Paving the way to hybrid quantum-classical scientific workflows" co-authored by Sandeep Suresh Cranganore, Vincenzo De Maio, Ivona Brandić and Ewa Deelman has been selected as the Editor's Choice Paper for the Fall 2024 issue of Future Generation Computer Systems.

WWTF proposal HoloWaterAI has been funded!

The WWTF project AI-supported Holographic Environmental Water Monitoring (HoloWaterAI) on the foundational methods for developing digital twins in close collaboration with BOKU Wien has been funded! The project will start in 2025 and will be led by Peter Van Oostrum and Ivona Brandić.